(OnDisplay Image Gallery)                        also check out Song For Chase that Richard wrote awhile back
new as of May 15, 2003
Tribute To A Good Man
A Heart for Mr. Bush
The Chicken Hawk
Herr Rumsfield
Quackers For Peace
Half Empty?
some positively partisan political images 
from Richard Karch:
"I started to write a whole bunch, but feel a general statement might be better.  
Basically my  political graphics come out of my frustration with the process 
and the results. However, while I'm shaking my head in disgust I do see humor 
and art. I  find images growing out of my mind and into/through Photoshop.
Hope people enjoy them and plan to vote for someone-if a real someone ever
(you can contact the artist through this link)
plus the archive featuring:
State Executioner George W, 
NRA spokesman Bob Dole 
Quake Quack himself.