
by Peter Black



The reflection in the lavatory mirror revealed the typical adolescent beauty every thirteen year old girl desires: a face, round, pure and radiant, with a pinch of healthy red in the unpowdered cheeks. Addie smiled with pride and her light hazel eyes gleamed as she neatly combed her brunette hair into a short ponytail. Tieing a small red ribbon carefully to hold her ponytail in place, she found herself again staring at the gentle swells pushing out against her blouse. Her breasts were small, but she was proud of them. She wore a bra now, and she felt the pride of a woman as she laughed in naive content. Adjusting her blouse and taking one more glance in the mirror, she rushed through the heavy lavatory door which all junior high schools maintain to protect the virgin innocence of their student population.

Addie was running hard. She took long beautiful strides, her thin legs vibrating her light blue jumper playfully. She was laughing with an uncommon glee as she slowed to a trot, then a well paced walk. She was breathing hard and wiped the perspiration off her forehead with the back of her hand. As she caught her breath, she was still laughing at the all too apparent immaturity of Hank and Bob, and the rest of the boys her age for that matter. She imagined how ridiculous Hank must look in the nude, his naked body budding in immaturity. She pictured him as resembling her seven year old brother, hairless, a plucked rooster, and in a final outburst of confidential laughter, she dropped her math book. Picking it up, she began to run again, her red ribboned ponytail bobbing side to side.

Ottoman pranced happily along the rail of his paddock. A small figure was bounding up the grassy knoll with a red ribbon trailing freely behind. Addie climbed over the tall timber rails, her blue jeans pulled tight and straining at the crotch and at the knee. She smiled gingerly at Ottoman as he nibbled the sugar lumps she had brought from her sweaty palm. Addie tenderly placed the bit into Ottoman's mouth, carefully pulling the bridle over his continuously twitching ears. And he did not resist for he loved to have Addie ride him.

Addie climbed up and onto Ottoman's back and pulled the reins about. She leaned over and kissed the crest of the horse's head, rubbing her face deep into Ottoman's mane. She loved Ottoman more than anything in the world, especially the horse's tremendous genitals.



(c) 1962, 1996 Peter Black

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